Affordable SEO Packages

Affordable SEO Packages


SEO Services Packages


With a team of highly knowledgeable SEO experts, we offer pre-selected SEO service packages planned to make the primary decision-making course easier for our clients. We offer four types of affordable SEO packages namely, Basic, Standard, Professional, and Enterprise packages. Primarily, the Basic package is suitable for those who are looking forward to rank for very low competitive keywords within small areas. Then, the Standard package is the best well-matched for those whose need is to rank their websites within the low competitive locations. Thirdly, the Professional package is well-matched for those who aim to target a large geographical expanse for a group of keywords. Last but not least, Enterprise package, as the name proposes is a best fit for those who are keen in ranking their big websites more in search results in one or more nation(s) for a keywords’ group.


So, wait no more, all our SEO packages are thereby listed here-under:

    Monthly SEO Packages for Top Rankings

    Basic SEO Package


    Up to 25 keywords
    • – Initial Review & Analysis-
    • Website Audit
    • Content Duplicity Check
    • Backlinks Audit
    • Penalty Check
    • Competition Analysis
    • Keyword Research
    • – On Page Optimization –
    • Onpage Changes
    • Title Tags Optimization
    • META Tags Optimization
    • Content Optimization
    • HTML Code Optimization
    • *Website Responsive Check
    • Website Permalinks Analysis*
    • *Schema Markup Analysis
    • Page Speed Analysis*
    • Internal Linking Optimization
    • Heading Tags Optimization
    • Canonicalization/301 Redirect
    • Images Optimization
    • Hyperlink Optimization
    • Robots.txt Creation/Optimization
    • Sitemap Creation
    • Google Search Console Setup
    • Bing Webmaster Tools Setup
    • Google Analytics Setup & Integration
    • – Voice Search Optimization –
    • Featured snippets
    • User intent
    • Long tail keywords
    • Use of Questions
    • Page Speed Analysis*
    • Structured data
    • – Content Writing –
    • 1 Guest Blog Writing
    • No Webpage/Blog Writing on Client’s Website
    • No Press Release Writing
    • No Social Posts Writing
    • No Infographics Writing
    • No Share each Infographics on Social Media Networks
    • No Premium Press Release Writing
    • Meta Tags Writing
    • No Web 2.0 Profile Writing
    • 1 Classified Writing
    • Google Business Page Writing*
    • 1 Guest Blog Links
    • 3 Search Engine Submissions
    • 10 Blogs Social Bookmarking Links
    • No Custom graphics and/or illustrations to Support Your Blogs
    • Contextual Links
    • Keyword used in anchor text
    • Add SEO Data to Each Post (Meta tags etc.)
    • Share Each Blog Post Across Social Media Networks
    • No Web 2.0 Profiles Bookmarking Links
    • No Press Release Submission
    • No Press Release Bookmarking Links
    • 20 Social Bookmarking Links
    • 10 Classified Submissions
    • No Premium Press Release
    • No Infographics Post
    • – Local Optimization –
    • 1 Location optimization
    • NAP Syndication
    • Google Business Page Creation
    • Bing Local Listing Creation
    • 1 Local Business Listings
    • – Video Marketing –
    • Youtube Account Setup
    • Vimeo Account Setup
    • Dailymotion Account Setup
    • No Video / PPT Creation
    • No Video / PPT Distribution
    • No Share Videos on Social Media Networks
    • Standard Package
    • $449/Month
    •  Up to 50 keywords
    • – Initial Review & Analysis –
    • Website Audit
    • Content Duplicity Check
    • Backlinks Audit
    • Penalty Check
    • Competition Analysis
    • Keyword Research
    • – On Page Optimization –
    • Onpage Changes
    • Title Tags Optimization
    • META Tags Optimization
    • Content Optimization
    • HTML Code Optimization
    • *Website Responsive Check
    • Website Permalinks Analysis*
    • *Schema Markup Analysis
    • Page Speed Analysis*
    • Internal Linking Optimization
    • Heading Tags Optimization
    • Canonicalization/301 Redirect
    • Images Optimization
    • Hyperlink Optimization
    • Robots.txt Creation/Optimization
    • Sitemap Creation
    • Google Search Console Setup
    • Bing Webmaster Tools Setup
    • Google Analytics Setup & Integration
    • – Voice Search Optimization –
    • Featured snippets
    • User intent
    • Long tail keywords
    • Use of Questions
    • Page Speed Analysis*
    • Structured data
    • – Content Writing –
    • 2 Guest Blog Writing
    • 1 Webpage/Blog Writing on Client’s Website
    • No Press Release Writing
    • No Social Posts Writing
    • No Infographics Writing
    • No Share each Infographics on Social Media Networks
    • No Premium Press Release Writing
    • Meta Tags Writing
    • 1 Web 2.0 Profile Writing
    • 2 Classified Writing
    • Google Business Page Writing*
    • 2 Guest Blog Links
    • 5 Search Engine Submissions
    • 20 Blogs Social Bookmarking Links
    • Custom graphics and/or illustrations to Support Your Blogs
    • Contextual Links
    • Keyword used in anchor text
    • Add SEO Data to Each Post (Meta tags etc.)
    • Share Each Blog Post Across Social Media Networks
    • 5 Web 2.0 Profiles Bookmarking Links
    • Press Release Submission
    • Press Release Bookmarking Links
    • 40 Social Bookmarking Links
    • 20 Classified Submissions
    • No Premium Press Release
    • No Infographics Post
    • – Local Optimization –
    • 2 Location optimization
    • NAP Syndication
    • Google Business Page Creation
    • Bing Local Listing Creation
    • 2 Local Business Listings
    • – Video Marketing –
    • Youtube Account Setup
    • Vimeo Account Setup
    • Dailymotion Account Setup
    • No Video / PPT Creation
    • No Video / PPT Distribution
    • No Share Videos on Social Media Networks

    Professional Package



    Up to 100 keywords
    • – Initial Review & Analysis-
    • Website Audit
    • Content Duplicity Check
    • Backlinks Audit
    • Penalty Check
    • Competition Analysis
    • Keyword Research
    • – On Page Optimization –
    • Onpage Changes
    • Title Tags Optimization
    • META Tags Optimization
    • Content Optimization
    • HTML Code Optimization
    • *Website Responsive Check
    • Website Permalinks Analysis*
    • *Schema Markup Analysis
    • Page Speed Analysis*
    • Internal Linking Optimization
    • Heading Tags Optimization
    • Canonicalization/301 Redirect
    • Images Optimization
    • Hyperlink Optimization
    • Robots.txt Creation/Optimization
    • Sitemap Creation
    • Google Search Console Setup
    • Bing Webmaster Tools Setup
    • Google Analytics Setup & Integration
    • – Voice Search Optimization –
    • Featured snippets
    • User intent
    • Long tail keywords
    • Use of Questions
    • Page Speed Analysis*
    • Structured data
    • – Content Writing –
    • 5 Guest Blog Writing
    • 2 Webpage/Blog Writing on Client’s Website
    • No Press Release Writing
    • 2 Social Posts Writing
    • 1 Infographic Writing in Every 6th Month
    • Share each Infographics on Social Media Networks
    • No Premium Press Release Writing
    • Meta Tags Writing
    • 2 Web 2.0 Profile Writing
    • 4 Classified Writing
    • Google Business Page Writing*
    • 5 Guest Blog Links
    • 10 Search Engine Submissions
    • 50 Blogs Social Bookmarking Links
    • Custom graphics and/or illustrations to Support Your Blogs
    • Contextual Links
    • Keyword used in anchor text
    • Add SEO Data to Each Post (Meta tags etc.)
    • Share Each Blog Post Across Social Media Networks
    • 10 Web 2.0 Profiles Bookmarking Links
    • Press Release Submission
    • Press Release Bookmarking Links
    • 100 Social Bookmarking Links
    • 30 Classified Submissions
    • No Premium Press Release
    • 1 Infographic Post in Every 6th Month
    • – Local Optimization –
    • 4 Location optimization
    • NAP Syndication
    • Google Business Page Creation
    • Bing Local Listing Creation
    • 4 Local Business Listings
    • – Video Marketing –
    • Youtube Account Setup
    • Vimeo Account Setup
    • Dailymotion Account Setup
    • 1 Video / PPT Creation in Every 6th Month
    • Video / PPT Distribution
    • Share Videos on Social Media Networks

    Enterprise Package



    Up to 100 keywords
    • – Initial Review & Analysis-
    • Website Audit
    • Content Duplicity Check
    • Backlinks Audit
    • Penalty Check
    • Competition Analysis
    • Keyword Research
    • – On Page Optimization –
    • Onpage Changes
    • Title Tags Optimization
    • META Tags Optimization
    • Content Optimization
    • HTML Code Optimization
    • *Website Responsive Check
    • Website Permalinks Analysis*
    • *Schema Markup Analysis
    • Page Speed Analysis*
    • Internal Linking Optimization
    • Heading Tags Optimization
    • Canonicalization/301 Redirect
    • Images Optimization
    • Hyperlink Optimization
    • Robots.txt Creation/Optimization
    • Sitemap Creation
    • Google Search Console Setup
    • Bing Webmaster Tools Setup
    • Google Analytics Setup & Integration
    • – Voice Search Optimization –
    • Featured snippets
    • User intent
    • Long tail keywords
    • Use of Questions
    • Page Speed Analysis*
    • Structured data
    • – Content Writing –
    • 10 Guest Blog Writing
    • 4 Webpage/Blog Writing on Client’s Website
    • 1 Press Release Writing
    • Social Posts Writing
    • 1 Infographic Writing in Every 3rd month
    • Share each Infographics on Social Media Networks
    • 1 Premium Press Release Writing in Every 6th Month
    • Meta Tags Writing
    • 4 Web 2.0 Profile Writing
    • 8 Classified Writing
    • Google Business Page Writing*
    • 10 Guest Blog Links
    • 25 Search Engine Submissions
    • 120 Blogs Social Bookmarking Links
    • Custom graphics and/or illustrations to Support Your Blogs
    • Contextual Links
    • Keyword used in anchor text
    • Add SEO Data to Each Post (Meta tags etc.)
    • Share Each Blog Post Across Social Media Networks
    • 20 Web 2.0 Profiles Bookmarking Links
    • 5 Press Release Submission
    • 10 Press Release Bookmarking Links
    • 220 Social Bookmarking Links
    • 60 Classified Submissions
    • 1 Premium Press Release in Every 6th Month
    • 1 Infographic Post in Every 3rd Month
    • – Local Optimization –
    • 8 Location optimization
    • NAP Syndication
    • Google Business Page Creation
    • Bing Local Listing Creation
    • 8 Local Business Listings
    • – Video Marketing –
    • Youtube Account Setup
    • Vimeo Account Setup
    • Dailymotion Account Setup
    • 1 Video / PPT Creation in Every 3rd Month
    • Video / PPT Distribution
    • Share Videos on Social Media Networks

    Key Reasons to Sign Up for One of Our SEO Packages

    Signing up for an SEO package  can offer numerous benefits to businesses seeking to enhance their online presence and drive organic traffic to their websites. Here are some key reasons to consider:

    Expertise and Experience


    SEO packages are typically offered by professional digital marketing agencies with a team of experienced SEO specialists. By availing their services, you gain access to their expertise in SEO strategies and best practices.

    Improved Search Engine Rankings


    SEO packages aim to optimize your website for relevant keywords and improve its visibility on search engines like Google. Achieving higher rankings can lead to increased organic traffic and potential customers finding your business easily.

    Targeted Traffic


    Good SEO practices help attract relevant visitors who are actively searching for products or services related to your business. This targeted traffic increases the chances of conversion and business growth.

    Website Optimization:


    SEO packages often include on-page optimization, which involves improving elements on your website such as meta tags, headings, site structure, and overall user experience. This ensures that your website is search-engine-friendly and user-friendly.

    Content Strategy


    Many SEO packages include content marketing strategies. This can involve creating valuable and informative content that not only appeals to users but also helps improve your website’s authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines.

    Local SEO Benefits


    If your business operates locally, SEO packages can focus on local SEO techniques, helping you appear in local search results and Google Maps listings when potential customers search for businesses in your area.

    Competition Analysis


    SEO packages often involve analyzing your competitors’ online presence and strategies. This allows you to identify areas where you can outperform them and gain a competitive edge

    Regular Monitoring and Reporting


    SEO agencies typically monitor the performance of your website and provide regular reports on key metrics like rankings, traffic, and conversions. This helps you understand the effectiveness of the SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions.

    Stay Updated with Algorithms


    Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving. Professional SEO agencies keep up with the latest trends and algorithm changes, ensuring that your website’s SEO stays relevant and compliant with search engine guidelines.



    Compared to other online marketing methods like pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, SEO can be more cost-effective in the long run. Once your website achieves higher organic rankings, the traffic generated doesn’t require continuous payments like PPC campaigns.

    Why Should You Invest In An SEO Package for Brand Marketing?

    Investing in an SEO package for brand marketing can be a wise decision for several reasons. Here are some compelling reasons why SEO is crucial for enhancing your brand’s online presence and marketing efforts:

    1. Increased Online Visibility:

    2. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps your website rank higher in search engine results for relevant keywords and phrases. When your website appears on the first page of search results, it gains more visibility and exposure to potential customers, increasing brand awareness.

    1. Credibility and Trust:

    2. Websites that rank higher in search results are often perceived as more trustworthy and credible by users. By optimizing your website and content for SEO, you build authority and trust, which positively impacts your brand’s reputation.

    1. Targeted Traffic:
    3. SEO focuses on attracting organic traffic from users actively searching for products or services related to your brand. This targeted traffic is more likely to convert into leads and customers, resulting in a higher return on investment (ROI).
    1. Brand Authority:
    3. A well-optimized website with high-quality content positions your brand as an authority in your industry or niche. When users consistently find valuable information on your website, they are more likely to consider your brand as a reliable source and become loyal customers.
    1. Cost-Effective Marketing:
    3. Compared to traditional advertising methods, SEO is a cost-effective marketing strategy. Once your website ranks well for targeted keywords, you don’t need to pay for each click or impression, making it a sustainable and budget-friendly approach.
    1. Long-Term Results:

    2. While SEO efforts may take some time to show significant results, the benefits are long-lasting. Unlike paid advertising, which stops generating traffic once you stop investing, SEO continues to drive organic traffic over time, providing ongoing value for your brand.